Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Culture

Assalamualakum Wr. Wb/ Good Afternoon

The hanourable the judges
The hanourable all of audience
& all beloved friends

Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce my self. My name is blablabla .I’m from Senior High Schoo lblablabla.

At this chance I will deliver my speech entitle “Save Our Culture”
First of all,let us thanks to Allah Swt,who has giving us blessing until we can attend in this happy place without any trouble and obstacle. Sholawat & prayer will stay to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, to his family, his friend & all of his followers

Ladies and gentleman.

Indonesia is a very big country with a large area & full of diversity. Indonesia consist of 13.667 island with about 200.000.000 populations. With big amount of population who live in different islands & provinces, Indonesian people have different culture with 1200 cultures in Indonesia

Ladies and gentleman

First,I will explain about the meaning of a culture. Do you know the meaning of culture? Culture means life method which grow up on the society area which heir  generations to generation. Culture also is a identify from  the country. As we know, Indonesia is a big nation who has culturaly rich. Can you imagine how many cultures that exist in our country? And can you mention it one by one? I’m not sure.

Ladies and gentleman

Along with the development of time, a passion for preserving culture is fading. Why? Because of the advancement of science and technology, the impact of globalization, lack of awareness, there is no love for own nation. And now in the era of globalization. In fact, globalization has influenced aspect of life , including its influence on the culture of a region. Without realizing, many teenagers as future generations are prefers the culture of other countries.They are many more know the culture of another country than the country itself, like bollywood movie, modern dance, punk, k-pop and so on. They starts to proud  whenever they know about foreign culture.  And they forgot Indonesian traditional music,traditional dance, traditional attitude, and traditional fashion style, one by one and step by step. And Can’t you see that? Foreign culture  almost changes all about Indonesia’s  cultures

Ladies and gentleman

Why our culture should  be saved? Because so big of modernization wave it can be damge our culture easly.  So. How to solve this problem? We as the future generation should have to be more aware to save our culture. As a young generation, our soul and Nationalis attitude was very needed. We can apply our culture in daylife. We must be cleaver to filter which one the good and bad foreign cultures. And we also should not forget Indonesia  cultures too. We have to increase our love for our culture. And we haave to preserve this culture from extinction. Therefore, let us a young generation, we keep it. And we introduce our culture to the world.

That’s all my speech, I hope my speech will be usefull in our life in this world and the here after.
  And The last I say  Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb


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