
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Culture

Assalamualakum Wr. Wb/ Good Afternoon The hanourable the judges The hanourable all of audience & all beloved friends Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce my self. My name is blablabla .I’m from Senior High Schoo lblablabla. At this chance I will deliver my speech entitle “Save Our Culture” First of all,let us thanks to Allah Swt,who has giving us blessing until we can attend in this happy place without any trouble and obstacle. Sholawat & prayer will stay to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, to his family, his friend & all of his followers Ladies and gentleman. Indonesia… Indonesia is a very big country with a large area & full of diversity. Indonesia consist of 13.667 island with about 200.000.000 populations. With big amount of population who live in different islands & provinces, Indonesian people have different culture with 1200 cultures in Indonesia Ladies and gentleman First,I will explain about the meaning of a culture. Do you kn